Rep. Thomas Massie Has A Brilliant Idea To Immediately FREE Steve Bannon – EVOL

Free Steve Bannon!

Turns out there’s a possible route to do this.

Rep. Thomas Massie points out the simple path.

Rescind the subpoena and repudiate the J6 committee.

We just need Congress to vote on this.

.@SpeakerJohnson, why don’t we rescind the Congressional subpoena for Steve Bannon and officially repudiate the J6 committee by a vote of Congress?

— Thomas Massie (@RepThomasMassie) June 7, 2024

But how can we help?

Glad you asked.

Time to turn those phones you have into weapons against the Deep State…

and reach out to Speaker Mike Johnson.

Have YOU called #SpeakerJohnson‘s office yet demanding that Steve Bannon’s subpoena be rescinded?

👉 202-225-2777

Be polite.

Peacefully and Patriotically and Legally make your voice heard!

— (@DailyNoahNews) June 7, 2024

ABC News reports:

A federal judge has ordered former Trump adviser Steve Bannon to surrender to prison by July 1, revoking his bail.

The Department of Justice had requested that Bannon begin his four-month prison term in connection with his contempt of Congress conviction.

U.S. District Judge Carl Nichols heard arguments Thursday in Washington, D.C.

Following the judge’s ruling, Bannon spoke to cameras outside of the courthouse, reiterating his intent to



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