Rep Chip Roy Unveils Bill Allowing Americans to Sue Vaccine Makers over Deaths and Injuries Caused by Covid Shots – EVOL

Republican Rep. Chip Roy (R-TX) is moving to pass legislation that will allow Americans to sue vaccine makers over injuries and deaths caused by Covid shots.

Roy unveiled his new bill on Tuesday which he has dubbed the “Let Injured Americans Be Legally Empowered” (LIABLE) Act.

The bill is aimed at wiping away Covid vaccine manufacturers’ statutory protections, opening them up to civil lawsuits.

A summary of the bill states:

“The LIABLE Act will allow Americans who took vaccines that were misleadingly promoted and forced onto many Americans via federal mandates to pursue civil litigation for their injuries.

“These vaccines were given emergency use authorization unilaterally and did not go through the normal FDA approval process.”

Currently, manufacturers and healthcare providers responsible for distributing experimental Covid mRNA injections are mostly immune from civil lawsuits.

The companies remain shielded even if those seeking monetary damages have medical proof of their vaccine-related injuries.

That’s because the Public Readiness and Emergency Preparedness (PREP) Act of 2005 limits liability for the manufacturing, development, and distribution of medical countermeasures related to a public health emergency.

The PREP Act also created the Countermeasures Injury Compensation Program (CICP), which has a one-year statute of limitations and



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