Pro-Pedo Group NAMBLA: 2A Patriots Have ‘Diseased Minds’

The North American Man/Boy Love Association has accused patriotic pro-Second Amendment Americans of having “diseased minds.”

The pro-pedophile organization issued a statement claiming that law-abiding citizens who excessive their constitutional right to bear arms to defend themselves are allegedly responsible for “butchering children.”

According to the pedophile rights organization, the Biden administration must repeal the Second Amendment because “No sane person can ignore recent events of mass killings of children and many more innocent people.”

In an op-ed published on the official NAMBLA website titled “Cognitive Distortion,” an unnamed author claims that “the struggle is long and hard” for pedophiles, “but we have reason and virtue on our side.”

“Cognitive distortion is what our kinder detractors accuse us of,” the op-ed continues.

It then attempts to frame pedophilia as a harmless vice, while accusing conservatives of being the group who are harming children.

“That somehow our perception has been twisted into some unrealistic view is their best way of understanding us.”

“They imagine, ‘How can a man unrelated to a boy be drawn to him? What could such an adult find appealing in a youngster?’

“They are however blind to the possibility that a boy’s incipient intellect, his personality, or joie de vie holds great joy for


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