President Trump Hits New Record In Betting Markets, Now All Six Swing States Too! – EVOL

I have a fantastic news to share with you all…

While the betting markets do not guarantee the results of the election, as the saying goes “the house never loses” and “Vegas is rarely wrong”.

So I do like to follow them, and the best place I like to watch is Polymarket.

First up, we start with the big one, the betting odds for the Presidential Election, which now have President Trump in a commanding 65% to %35 lead:

But that’s not all….

The last time I checked, President Trump was trailing in two battleground states, Nevada and Michigan, but now he’s leading in all six swing states — many by extremely large margins — look at Georgia:

The only metric where he’s not leading is in the expected Popular Vote Winner, but (1) that is irrelevant because only the Electoral College matters, and (2) I suspect when all the dust settles after the election, President Trump may just win this one too!

But that’s still not all….

Perhaps the best news of all is in the Balance of Power estimates.

This is where we see if President Trump and the Republicans will face a divided Congress



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