The four minute clip I’m about to show you perfectly encapsulates everything that’s been WRONG with America, and everything President Trump is doing to fix it.
This might be the most perfect four minute clip I’ve seen in a long time.
President Trump is holding a massive Press Conference in LA and LA Mayor Karen Bass is in attendance.
President Trump immediately starts pointing out all the ways the City of LA and the State of California need to expedite the ability to rebuilt, and the politicians all start doing what they always do, promising that of course they will do that.
But then President Trump starts digging in and immediately uncovers all the ways the local Governments will screw over the citizens….
18 month delays is the first one.
Oh sure, one person says they’ll give approvals immediately, so does another branch of Government, but then one branch is revealed to have an 18 month delay.
President Trump immediately and rightfully points out that it doesn’t matter if 9/10 of the branches give immediate approvals, if one branch holds things up for 18 months, the entire process is stalled.
That so perfectly describes Government, doesn’t