POLL: Just 16 Percent Of Americans Prefer Current Disney Content As Company's Favorability Sinks – EVOL

A new Rasmussen survey has provided bad news for Disney as the company attempts to reverse years of declining box office returns and diminishing interest in its streaming services. The new poll found that Disney’s current releases — a number of which have faced intense criticism over the inclusion of left-wing social issues in films marketed to children — are wildly unpopular when compared with the company’s classics.

The latest Rasmussen Reports national telephone and online survey found that 47% percent of respondents believes that Disney content is currently worse than they remember it in the past. Just 16 percent of respondents believe the company’s entertainment has gotten better, while an additional 29 percent believe the quality is largely the same as it has always been. In terms of overall favorability, 49 percent of respondents indicated that they hold a positive view of Disney while 43 percent expressed a negative view, giving the company a net favorability rating of +6 percentage points.

According to the new poll, the company currently trails President-elect Donald in terms of favorability. According to the RealClearPolitics average of polls that measure Trump’s favorability, he is set to enter the White House with an approval rating



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