Politico Reporter: Evidence Linking Joe Biden to Hunter’s Business Deals ‘Doesn’t Exist’

During a stunning propaganda episode, a gaslighting Politico reporter claimed on national television that the evidence linking Democrat President Joe Biden to his son Hunter’s influence-peddling deals “doesn’t exist.”

Politico’s “investigative reporter” Heidi Przybyla made the claims during an appearance on ABC News’s “This Week”

Przybyla joined a panel discussing the 2024 presidential election and President Donald Trump’s legal battles.

During the conversation, she weighed in with her thoughts on Congress’ plans after its summer recess concludes.

“Another potential advantage which is, guess what the news might be when we come back or Congress comes back?” she said.

“They’re going to try to impeach Joe Biden based on charges that don’t exist and evidence that doesn’t exist, and they think that would just go down.”


So much for @Politico national investigative reporter @HeidiReports doing any investigating: Republicans are “going to try to impeach Joe Biden based on charges that don’t exist and evidence that doesn’t exist.” #ThisWeek pic.twitter.com/TulzpDp6q2

— Brent Baker 🇺🇦 (@BrentHBaker) September 3, 2023

Despite Przybyla’s claims, however, evidence has been stacking up against Biden.

So much so that several Democrats are starting to demand answers from the president.

In fact, the evidence not only



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