Nikki Haley Suffers Humiliating Defeat to ‘Nobody’ in Nevada Primary Election – EVOL

It turns out, even “nobody” can beat Nikki Haley.

Nikki Haley suffered a humiliating defeat in the Republican primary showdown in Nevada on Tuesday, losing to “none of these candidates.”

In a peculiar quirk of Nevada primary and general elections, voters can express their dissatisfaction with the choices presented by selecting this choice.

Trump was not on the ballot, however, as there were also no delegates at stake.

Donald Trump relished Nikki Haley’s embarrassing lost in a post on Truth Social.

“A bad night for Nikki Haley. Losing by almost 30 points in Nevada to ‘None of These Candidates.’ Watch, she’ll soon claim Victory!” Trump said on his social media site.

The Haley campaign downplayed the significance of the Nevada defeat, claiming that the state party had rigged it for the frontrunner Donald Trump.

“In terms of Nevada, we have not spent a dime nor an ounce of energy on Nevada. We made the decision early on that we were not going to pay $55,000 to a Trump entity … to participate in a process that was rigged for Trump,” Betsy Ankney, Haley’s campaign manager, said in a conference call Monday with reporters.

That’s right, Nikki Haley is an



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