Neurosurgeon Uncovers Link Between Covid Shots and Brain Damage

A leading American neurosurgeon has announced that he has uncovered a shocking link between Covid mRNA shots and brain damage.

Dr. Russell Blaylock recently gave an in-depth presentation on the adverse effects the spike proteins, induced by Covid-19 vaccination, have on the body.

The doctor shared shocking discoveries about neurological damage, cancer rates, cardiac arrest and other exacerbating health issues as well as their connection to mRNA technology.

“This [Covid] injection is an injection of artificial exosomes … The brain is one of the most complex things in the entire universe … [The medical profession] really doesn’t understand this injection.  They don’t understand what it does to the neurological apparatus of the brain and spinal cord,”

Dr. Russell Blaylock – November 2022

His presentation titled ‘Spike Proteins and Neurodegeneration: Effect of Artificial Exosomes on the Nervous System in the Form of an Injection’ (which can be viewed in full at the end of this article) covers the damage the spike protein does to the brain, the elderly and unborn children.

Dr Blaylock also explains in detail the mechanisms that cause the damage and uses several published papers to demonstrate the harm.

And ends with some advice for those who have been vaccine-injured.

Microglia, Cytokines,



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