Nadler Exposed: Smug Jan. 6 Persecutor Helped Suspected Senate Bomber Get Clemency 23 Years Ago – EVOL

Quite a guy, Jerry Nadler. If you don’t believe it, ask him.

Or you can check out the website promoting the 16-term Democratic congressman from New York.

Nadler has been “defending democracy” and promoting a string of leftist causes — gun control, LGBT issues and “reproductive rights,” his website says.

It’s the “defending democracy” claim that rattles the most (“When our republic was most at risk, Jerry stepped in”).

“As Chairman of the House Judiciary Committee,” the website says, “Jerry has served as a bulwark against wannabe tyrants like Donald Trump and Republicans who seek to suppress the right to vote.”


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Nadler “stood up” to Trump and “impeached him twice — once for his abuses of power and obstruction of Congress, and then again after the lawless former President incited the January 6th insurrection.”

Ah yes, that infamous “insurrection” where, after Trump requested a National Guard presence and told supporters to “peacefully and patriotically make your voices heard,” unarmed Americans went into the U.S. Capitol, some of them at the invitation of Capitol Police.

Yeah, that insurrection.

Curiously, despite Nadler’s website harrumphing about



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