Multiple Whistleblowers Agree to Testify against Fani Willis – EVOL

Multiple whistleblowers are now preparing to testify against Georgia’s anti-Trump Fulton County District Attorney Fani Willis, according to reports.

This information comes from Georgia state lawmakers, who have launched an investigation into Willis, a career Democrat.

Willis is the district attorney who is prosecuting President Donald Trump over false allegations that he and his associates committed crimes when they attempted to challenge Georgia’s results in the 2020 presidential election.

However, it is Willis herself who is now facing several allegations.

State lawmakers in Georgia are investigating the accusation that Willis has improperly misused federal and state funds.

This particular accusation regards the revelation that Willis hired her paramour – Nathan Wade – to prosecute Trump, a relationship to which Willis has since admitted.

It has further been alleged that Wade used some of the funds that Willis gave him to take Willis on trips.

Then, Republicans in the U.S. House of Representatives are investigating a separate allegation that Willis misused taxpayer funds that she received from the Biden administration.

It was Georgia state Sen. Bill Cowsert (R) who revealed, on Friday, that multiple whistleblowers are ready to testify in their investigation against Willis.

The whistleblowers are said to come from



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