Michael Moore: Biden’s Chance of Re-Election Not ‘So Great’ – EVOL

Leftist filmmaker Michael Moore has warned Democrats that President Joe Biden’s chances of re-election are not looking “so great.”

Moore, who accurately predicted President Donald Trump‘s 2016 victory, said Biden‘s support of Israel may cost him the 2024 election.

During an interview on CNN, anchor Kaitlan Collins mentioned her network’s poll showing 81% of U.S. adults under the age of 36 disapprove of how Biden is dealing with Israel’s war against Hamas in Gaza.

Moore responded by saying he wanted to send a message to the president.

“I wanted to say this on your show tonight that his chance of not being re-elected, I think, at this point, is so great, because of those numbers,” Moore said.

“Because he’s losing the youth vote.

“He’s lost the Arab American vote in Michigan.”


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Moore, a Michigan native, was alluding to how the state with a large Arab American population protested against Biden’s Israel stance.

More than 100,000 Michigan Democrats voted “uncommitted” in the primary to protest Biden.

Noting there has been commentary saying that losing Michigan would cost Biden the election, Moore insisted:

“I am fighting to make sure that doesn’t happen.

“I am trying to save Joe



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