McDonalds Where Trump 'Worked' Hires Private Security After Deranged Leftist Threats – EVOL

Authored by Steve Watson via,

The McDonald’s franchise in Pennsylvania where president Trump visited and worked a shift, sending leftists into one of the all time seethiest of meltdowns, has been forced to hire private security because of a barrage of threats.

Trump worked the fry station and served customers at the drive-thru in Bucks County this past weekend, in one of the greatest election stunts ever.

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Now franchise owner, Derek Giacomantonio has had to retain the private security personnel he hired for Trump’s visit to protect his store and staff in the wake of threatening messages and phone calls from TDS sufferers.

The Daily Caller reports that Trump Jim Worthington, who organised Trump’s visit and led Pennsylvania’s delegation at the Republican National Convention, has revealed “There was chatter…There’s been messaging and phone calling and social media where people have made threats and said they are going to do this or that.”

One Bucks County resident told the outlet that she visited the McDonalds with her four sons, noting “We walked in. It seemed fine. We ordered and we sat down, but then we looked to our left, and there were



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