Maxine Waters: Trump Supporters Must Be Investigated for ‘Preparing a Civil War’ – EVOL

Rep. Maxine Waters (D-CA) has claimed President Donald Trump’s supporters are “domestic terrorists” who must be investigated.

While explaining the wild allegations, Waters argued, without evidence, that Trump supporters are “preparing a civil war against us.”

Waters claims that Trump and his supporters are instigating violence in the U.S. and threatening “bloodshed.”

During an appearance on MSNBC Sunday, Waters issued a warning about Trump and those who vote for him.

“I’m worried that he’s so divisive and that he’s talking about retribution, and they’re talking about revenge and I think that that’s dangerous,” the congresswoman said.

“He’s even mentioned civil war at one point, talked about there would be bloodshed.”

During the media appearance, Waters vowed that she would ask the “criminal justice system” to find out what is “going on with the domestic terrorists,” seeming to refer to the presumptive Republican nominee’s supporters.

“Are they preparing a civil war against us?” she continued.

“Should we be concerned about our safety?

“What is [Trump] doing with this divisive language? It is dangerous.”

“This is not good for this country,” Waters added.

“He does not care about democracy, he does not care about the Constitution of the United States,” she claimed.



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