Mar-a-Lago Employee Recalls ‘Fond Memories’ Working for ‘Lovely’ Trump Family: ‘I Loved It There’ – EVOL

A former Mar-a-Lago employee has recalled her “fond memories” while describing her experience working for President Donald Trump and his family.

In an op-ed for Newsweek, Ashleigh Sasson described the Trump family as “lovely people.”

While working at Mar-a-Lago from 2016 to 2018, Sasson said she observed another side of Trump and his relatives that is seldom depicted in the overwhelmingly negative media coverage of the family.

Sasson said she has “fond memories” of her time as a server and bartender at Trump’s Palm Beach, Florida estate.

She left a local burger joint to work for Trump, she explains in the article.

Sasson described Trump as “very professional, always smiling, kind, and generous.”

Although she didn’t see much of the 45th president, Sasson was able to observe his children and their families frequently.

She said she formed a favorable impression of the whole family.

Sasson served meals for the Trump family at the main dining area and at the more casual beach club.

President Trump was the only one to tip, she said, but the family members were always courteous to the staff.

“Though the Trump family never saw a check, they were very gracious with their gratitude in the



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