Manchin Pitches 1 Insane Migrant Idea – He Actually Wants to Spark a “Bidding” War

Manchin Pitches 1 Insane Migrant Idea – He Actually Wants to Spark a “Bidding” War

What’s Happening:

Sen. Joe Manchin appears to have recently flipped his stance on several issues. The Democrat hails from West Virginia. For years, he supported conservative values, because he represented a red state.

But since 2022, he has become increasingly supportive of Biden’s leftist agenda. Many have speculated on his future in the Senate, as he’s up for re-election next year. His shift to the left, many will say, will not help his chances.

Recently, he commented on the exploding border crisis. Many states, especially border states, are overwhelmed by the hundreds of thousands of migrants who continue to come over. Sen. Manchin did not appear to advocate to deport these border crossers. Instead, he made this demand to the entire country.

From Breitbart:
On Friday’s broadcast of MSNBC’s “Morning Joe,” Sen. Joe Manchin (D-WV) argued that the federal government shouldn’t be responsible for every migrant in the country and “Every state should be bidding” on taking migrants and then they’d “be responsible to make sure they’re acclimated to our way of life.”

Sen. Manchin appeared to be encouraging what some have called the



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