Majority of Voters Believe Biden Is Pushing Trump Indictments to Prevent Re-Election, Poll Shows – EVOL

A new poll has revealed that the majority of American voters believe that Democrat President Joe Biden is attempting to rig the November election in his favor by targeting his opponent with lawfare attacks.

Though unlikely, President Donald Trump faces the possibility of being sentenced to serve hundreds of years in prison if convicted on all or most of the several dozen charges he is battling.

Trump is currently fighting four separate criminal indictments brought against him by Democrat prosecutors at the federal and state levels.

However, a recent poll found that a majority of Americans believe that Biden is behind the multiple indictments against Trump.

Most voters believe Biden is relying on the prospect of Trump’s imprisonment to secure victory in his bid for re-election in November’s election, Breitbart reported.

The poll results are nothing short of damning for Biden and provide further evidence to support the theory that the legal attacks against Trump are backfiring on the Democrats.

The results from the survey also lend further credence to the increasingly widespread view among Americans that the nation’s supposedly neutral and non-partisan justice system has been thoroughly politicized and weaponized on behalf of the Democratic Party against its Republican



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