Peter Schweizer, author of “Blood Money: Why the Powerful Turn a Blind Eye While China Kills Americans,” stated on Breitbart News Saturday that Fentanyl is a “Chinese operation much more than it is a Mexican drug cartel operation.”
Schweizer, who serves as president of the Government Accountability Institute (GAI) and is a senior contributor at Breitbart News, described how the Chinese are making use of fentanyl as a weapon against the United States.
“A lot of the people involved in the fentanyl trade actually have senior positions in the CCP [Chinese Communist Party] or they’re advisers to the CCP government, but the links in this chain of fentanyl that is poisoning 100,000 Americans, every link in that chain is a Chinese operation,” Schweizer stated.
Explaining that the Mexican cartels are “really the junior partners.”
“We all know the precursors come from China,” Schweizer said, clarifying that we have been unable to stop the precursors because the International Terminal in Manzanillo in Mexico is “actually run by a Chinese company that’s very close to the Chinese state,” he added.
Explaining that those precursors “come into the port of Manzanillo” and are “moved to a town in northern Mexico where,