Lara Trump Reveals Only Two Supporters Per Candidate Allowed at CNN Debate! – EVOL

We’re just 15 minutes away from the tonight’s debate — and it’s going to be very interesting, to say the least!

And, Lara Trump has just dropped another one of CNN’s restrictive rules.

Only two people for Trump, and two people for Biden will be allowed in the room for the debate. Everyone else will be forced to watch the debate from screens outside the room.

Lara Trump revealed this detail while talking with Benny Johnson earlier today.

Here’s the clip from X:

🚨 BREAKING: Lara Trump REVEALS CNN is only allowing TWO people from each campaign in to watch the debate in person — everyone else will have to watch from another building including FAMILY.

What is CNN hiding?

— Benny Johnson (@bennyjohnson) June 27, 2024


Benny’s right: what is CNN hiding?

What’s going to be going on in the debate room?

Why do they want to keep everyone OUT?

Take a look at these social media responses:

Weird AF!!!! Whoever is watching live needs to record on their phone… sketchy.

— Genevieve (@GenevieveBayer) June 27, 2024

It sounds wrong, feels wrong, something is up.

— Robert Ford (@LaidbacWanderer) June 27, 2024



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