Kari Lake: “They Tried To Bribe Me!”

Patrick Bet-David delivered again with an incredible 2-hour interview with the one and only, Kari Lake.

Lake delivered too.

She was on point, strong, thoughtful, powerful, and she displayed the type of leadership and toughness I have only other seen in Trump.

Lake is infinitely stronger and smarter than Ron DeSantis, but that’s not a tough bar.

Lake proved in this interview that she’s even stronger and tougher than we previously thought.

She made clear she is not a politician and doesn’t care about building a political career.

That might come along the way, but what she cares about is saving this country and exposing the election fraud.

Because without that, it doesn’t matter how much fame or money you have if you don’t live in a free and open country.

But it was about halfway through this podcast when the real bombshell hit….

When pressed about what really motivates her, Lake opened up and disclosed she was bribed by “powerful people back East”…apparently referring to D.C.

It’s an incredible story, watch the short clip here:


The establishment tried to bribe me out of politics.

But I didn’t get in this fight for money or


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