Kamala Harris: ‘Apparently, Some People Love to Talk about the Way I Laugh’ – EVOL

Democrat Vice President Kamala Harris has revealed that her handlers told her that “some people love to talk about the way I laugh.”

However, the VP’s handlers apparently let her believe that it’s because “people still gotta get used to” Harris being ” the first woman” vice president.

According to comments made by Harris in a new interview on Drew Barrymore’s talk show, the VP is being shielded from the widespread mockery regarding her public appearances and misplaced cackles.

On Barrymore’s talk show, Harris spoke about the importance of never letting “anybody take your power.”

Harris continued by rambling about being intentional in understanding “what is in your power.”

She then turned to comments about her laugh.

Harris has made headlines for laughing in response to questions about the border crisis and about the importance of female leadership.

She frequently laughs at inappropriate moments, often prompting anger or mockery.


Now, why wouldn’t people love Kamala Harris’ cackle? 🤔 pic.twitter.com/2nB6hh2R02

— Kyle Becker (@kylenabecker) April 28, 2024

Apparently, however, Harris’s handlers kept the responses to her cackles mostly hidden from her.

“You were asking me earlier about what it means to be like the first woman,” Harris said.

“And you



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