JUST IN: Biden And The Democrats Get TERRIBLE News

Recent polling data reveals a significant decline in support for President Biden and the Democratic Party among Arab Americans. The Arab American Institute commissioned a nationwide poll, conducted by John Zogby Strategies, which highlighted several key findings:

Joe Biden’s approval rating among Arab Americans has seen a sharp decline. In 2020, his approval stood at 74%, but by 2023, it plummeted to 29%. This decline mirrors the trends observed across the American public.

Arab Americans, who account for a significant number of voters in crucial election states like Michigan, Ohio, and Pennsylvania, have shown a dramatic shift in their political preferences. Support for Biden in the upcoming election has dropped from 59% to a mere 17%, marking a 42% decrease from 2020.

Historically, a majority of Arab Americans have shown a preference for the Democratic Party. However, this poll marks a significant shift. For the first time in 26 years of polling, a majority of Arab Americans did not claim to prefer the Democratic Party.

The data reveals that 32% of Arab Americans now identify as Republicans, while only 23% identify as Democrats. Independents have also seen a rise, overtaking Democrats for the first time in October 2023.

The recent



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