Josh Hawley Confronted by Anti-Israel Mob, Turns Tables: 'You Are Pro-Terrorist' – EVOL

Republican Senator Josh Hawley (R-MO) was confronted by anti-Israel protesters who warned the Missouri lawmaker that “Hamas will never be eliminated.”

However, rather than bow down and grovel before the angry mob, Hawley stood his ground and instantly turned the tables on the pro-Hamas crowd.

Hawley was confronted on Wednesday by far-Left Code Pink protesters over his support for Israel.

Hawley told the protesters that they were “pro-terrorist” and, if they had it their way, would usher in a “second Holocaust.”

“Don’t give us your talking points,” one female protester yelled at Hawley.

“Bulls**t, you are unbelievable,” she slurred and the senator tried to speak to the crowd.

“The state of Israel has the right to defend itself,” the senator responded.

The same protester told Hawley that what Israel is doing is “not defense” and demanded a “ceasefire.”

Code Pink’s website calls for a “Ceasefire in Gaza…to end Israel’s ongoing genocide.”

On October 7, Hamas terrorists carried out brutal attacks in Israel, killing about 1,200 people.

The terrorist group also took hundreds of hostages back to Gaza.

They also murdered and raped hundreds more innocent people, including children.

Earlier this week, reports indicated that over 20 percent of the almost 140



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