Jonathan Turley believes Barack Obama Could Attempt to Bail Out Joe Biden Under the Presidential Records Act

Jonathan Turley shared in a piece that he did for “The Hill” that former President Barack Obama is being asked to “bail Biden out from another debacle”.

Under the Presidential Records Act, Turley revealed Obama could bar the release of emails that have been requested by various congressional committees as well as other private groups.

The emails being requested are ones from Joe Biden in which he used multiple different aliases, including Robin Ware, Robert L. Peters, and many others, during his time as Vice President under Obama.

If Obama decides to step in and stop the release of the records he only has 30 days in which to do so.

The Republican-led House has been at the forefront of investigating Biden and his son Hunter for influence-peddling.

Biden has tried to maintain that he had no knowledge of his son Hunter’s foreign business dealings. However, Devon Archer, a former associate of Hunter’s, has testified that Biden was on at least 20 phone calls that involved Hunter’s business associates. Archer also testified that Biden had dinners with some of Hunter’s business associates as well.

In mid-August, House Oversight Chairman James Comer (KY) sent a request


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