John Fetterman Breaks with Democrats, Blames Hamas for Civilian Deaths: ‘Cowards’ – EVOL

Democrat Senator John Fetterman (D-PA) has continued to break with his party over the position on Israel’s war with Hamas.

During an appearance on MSNBC, Fetterman defended Israel’s strike on the city of Rafah in Hamas-controlled Gaza.

Fetterman called civilian deaths “awful” but inevitable given the Hamas presence there.

The freshman senator has emerged as one of the most pro-Israel voices in Washington D.C.

He has frequently broken with the many radical pro-Hamas activists who supported his progressive campaign for Senate.

During the MSNBC panel discussion, Fetterman noted that Hamas uses civilians as human shields.

He said this is creating a difficult situation for the Israeli military.

Dozens of civilians died in a fire at a refugee camp in Rafah last weekend.

It came after an Israeli strike.

The incident has brought new criticism of Israel’s military operation.

Additionally, Biden has also come under fire for his failure to stop supporting it.

Israel has attributed the deaths to a Hamas weapons depot that was in the area.

The Biden administration has said it is withholding judgment until a probe is complete.

Fetterman told MSNBC’s “Morning Joe” that Hamas terrorists are “cowards” for hiding behind civilians.

However, he noted that



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