Jill Biden Retires from Teaching Position at Virginia Community College – EVOL

Joe Biden will finally be going off into the sunset on Jan. 20 after more than 50 years occupying public office.

He managed to completely finish off his reputation over the past few years and is leaving having fully earned the title of the worst person to occupy the Oval Office in the last 50 years.

Jill Biden will be out the door with him and a lot of this failure is on her head for having him stay in long after he should have retired. She even ridiculously wanted him to run again. How power-hungry can you be? He’s now leaving with everyone knowing how cognitively impaired he is and how much he’s hurt the country. And he was shoved to the side in a genuinely anti-democratic move that was truly embarrassing for him.

PJ Media, reported that she’s out the political door with her husband, she’s also packing it in when it comes to her teaching job at Northern Virginia Community College.

She made that announcement during a virtual event with teachers, praising them for using their “teacher voice to organize and get out the vote.”


Jill Biden and teacher’s union bosses Randy Weingarten and



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