‘Invasion’ at U.S Border Is ‘Engineered’ by United Nations, Top Panama Official Warns – EVOL

A top official in Panama’s government has warned the American people that the “invasion” of military-aged foreign nationals at the U.S. Southern Border has been “engineered” by the United Nations (UN).

Oriel Ortega, who currently serves as a security and defense consultant to Panamanian President Laurentino Cortizo, is the former director of Panama’s border patrol.

In a bombshell new interview, Ortega has blown the whistle to allege that the border crisis is part of the UN’s “strategically engineered” plans to promote global mass migration, open borders, and globalism.

Ortega explained the agenda during a February 22 interview with the Epoch Times.

While serving with his nation’s border patrol, Ortega said that he saw a jump in migration in 2016, at the same time that more nongovernmental organizations (NGOs) moved into Panama.

That increase corresponded with the U.N.’s Global Compact for Safe, Orderly, and Regular Migration meeting in 2016.

Two years later, 152 nations—including Panama—voted in favor of the compact to manage global migration.

The United States voted against it.

But under the U.N., the migration process has been anything but orderly, Ortega said.

“It’s completely opposite right now,” he said through an interpreter.

Documents show that in 2023, a record 500,000 migrants traveled



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