‘In Times Gone By…’ Top Administration Official Accused Of Act of ‘Treason’

President Joe Biden’s administration is under fire again from his chief rival, who has a bone to pick with the outgoing chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff.

Army Gen. Mark Milley is scheduled to retire from his post at the end of September, but before his exit, the president who appointed him had some choice words about the top military leader.

On Friday, former President Donald Trump posted to Truth Social that Milley had committed treason by independently communicating with the Chinese military during the Jan. 6 Capital Riots and that “in times gone by,” such an act would have seen him put to death.

He also noted the gross failure of the military under Milley’s command to conduct a successful withdrawal from Afghanistan and his championing of the Biden administration’s “woke” policies.

In the post to Truth Social, Trump wrote, “Mark Milley, who led perhaps the most embarrassing moment in American history with his grossly incompetent implementation of the withdrawal from Afghanistan, costing many lives, leaving behind hundreds of American citizens, and handing over BILLIONS of dollars of the finest military equipment ever made, will be leaving the military next week.”

He continued, “This will be a



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