Illinois Election Board Shuts Down Effort to Block Trump from Ballot – EVOL

The election board in Illinois has just shut down an effort to try to remove President Donald Trump’s name from the state’s 2024 ballots.

On Tuesday, the board overruled an objection to Trump’s eligibility to be on the state’s primary ballot.

The Illinois State Board of Elections is split evenly between Republicans and Democrats.

Nevertheless, the board voted unanimously to keep Trump’s name on the ballot.

The decision comes after a recommendation that Trump be removed over false claims that he “incited an insurrection.”

The board voted 8-0 that it did not have jurisdiction to determine whether Trump is constitutionally ineligible to appear on the ballot.

Officials said they are reserving that power for the courts.

Trump will remain on the ballot for the March 19 Republican primary.

“Thank you to the Illinois State Board of Elections for ruling 8-0 in protecting the Citizens of our Country from the Radical Left Lunatics who are trying to destroy it,” Trump posted on Truth Social after the vote.

“The VOTE was 8-0 in favor of keeping your favorite President (ME!), on the Ballot.

“I love Illinois. Make America Great Again!”

The U.S. Supreme Court is set to hear arguments in a similar case from Colorado



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