Illegal Aliens Admit Flooding Border before Election: ‘We Don’t Want Trump’ – EVOL

Illegal aliens are admitting that they are rushing to cross the border into the United States before the critical November presidential election.

Many say they are hoping to take advantage of Democrat President Joe Biden’s open border policies as they fear he will lose re-election.

Illegal border crossers told New York Post reporter Jennie Taer that they fear President Donald Trump will secure the Southern Border if elected in November.

After illegally crossing the Arizona border last week, two migrants from Colombia told Taer that they were concerned about the outcome of the upcoming general election.

“We think with the elections, it will be harder,” 20-year-old Ricardo said.

Ricardo’s brother Sebastian, 18, declared, “We don’t want Trump.”

The Colombian brothers claimed asylum after illegally crossing the border.

They were sheltered at the Yuma Regional Center for Border Health.

According to the Post, Ricardo and Sebastian were then bused to the Phoenix airport.

They then caught a flight to New Jersey to join their mother.

Everything was paid for by American taxpayers.

According to the Post, Customs and Border Protection agents gave the illegal immigrants a court date for an asylum hearing in October.

Until then, their stay in the U.S.



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