Illegal Alien Fist-Bumps Border Patrol After Agent Cuts Through Border Wire

Was it a fist bump or a punch in the gut?

That depends on which side of the illegal immigration debate the viewer is on while watching a video captured by the Daily Caller on Thursday.

The clip began moments after a U.S. Border Patrol agent reportedly cut a razor wire barrier to let several illegal migrants cross the southern border into Texas.

One illegal alien showed his gratitude by fist-bumping the agent, who stood aside to let more unvetted newcomers into a state — and a nation — in the throes of a humanitarian crisis.

EXCLUSIVE: Illegal Migrants Fist Bump Border Patrol After They Cut Through Abbott’s Border Wire

— Jennie Taer (@JennieSTaer) September 28, 2023

The wire, installed in Eagle Pass, Texas, was part of GOP Gov. Greg Abbott’s last-ditch effort to stop the flow of illegal migrants as President Joe Biden’s administration does nothing about it.

Mark Morgan, former acting Customs and Border Protection commissioner, was quick to defend the Border Patrol agents whom he claims are simply doing as they’re told.

”I want to be crystal clear — what’s happening is not the fault of the men and women of the U.S. Border


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