Hamas tunnel found by IDF in child's bedroom in Rafah | WND | by Around the Web – EVOL

(NEW YORK POST) – Israeli troops discovered an entrance to a Hamas tunnel inside a child’s bedroom in Rafah on Thursday. The IDF says it recovered a trove of weapons and explosives from the tunnel. The operation is the latest of what Israel calls its “precise, intelligence-based, targeted operations” inside Rafah.

“This week, the troops located a tunnel shaft inside a child’s room, and a butcher’s knife next to it. In addition, the troops identified six terrorists near a school in the area of the troops. The terrorists were eliminated by a UAV and tank fire,” the IDF said in a statement.

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Images released by the IDF show troops operating in the dense urban environment of Rafah. Images also show the cache of weapons, explosives and other equipment troops retrieved during the operation.

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