Germany Considering WEF’s Driving Ban to Fight ‘Climate Change’ – EVOL

The German government is considering plans to implement new laws that would ban members of the general public from driving privately owned vehicles during the weekends.

The plan was revealed by Germany’s Transport Minister Volker Wissing who argues that the drastic measures may be necessary in order to meet the World Economic Forum’s (WEF) “Net Zero” targets for “fighting climate change.”

According to Reuters, Wissing is threatening to introduce the ban through the Summer months before gradually expanding it.

The calls come despite the fact that official data shows that “greenhouse emissions” in Germany, Europe’s biggest economy, fell to the lowest level in 70 years in 2023.

Nevertheless, the transport sector has still been consistently failing to meet its “Net Zero” goals.

In order to meet these targets, Germany is considering expanding its so-called “climate protection law” with amendments that the public would be forced to abide by.

As Slay News has reported, the WEF has been pushing for driving bans and for the public to be prohibited from owning private vehicles.

The WEF is calling on global governments to agree to new green agenda goals that will significantly reduce the number of cars that are privately owned by



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