Former Speaker Paul Ryan Thinks Not Sending Billions to Europe is “Isolationist” – EVOL

As Americans continue to pinch pennies at the grocery store, Washington bureaucrats carry on attempting to send billions of American tax dollars overseas.

For our own protection, or so we continue to hear.

But Americans on both sides of the aisle are waking up to the fact that the United States has quite a few problems it currently needs to deal with stateside.

That doesn’t stop bureaucrats from doing their best to further the narrative that we all need to contribute to the defense of foreign nations.

In a recent interview with the Washington Post, former GOP Speaker Paul Ryan claimed that those opposed to charitably donating tax dollars to Europe was “isolationist.”

Paul Ryan spoke on DJT and Tucker Carlson!

“They’re helping curate a line of thought…that is isolationist, pro-Putin, pro-Russia, pro-tyranny at the end of the day. And that is extremely dangerous for all democracies.”

Who thinks Paul Ryan is misrepresenting their views?🙋🏼‍♀️

— 🔥Desiree🔥 (@DesireeAmerica4) February 21, 2024

Here’s the video of Ryan’s statements.

Former House Speaker Paul Ryan on Donald Trump and Tucker Carlson:

“They’re helping curate a line of thought…that is isolationist, that is pro-Putin, pro-Russia, pro-tyranny at the end of the



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