Extremely Graphic: Hamas Captures and Bounds Israeli Woman

Palestinian terrorist organization Hamas, launched an air, ground and water attack against Israel on Saturday morning.

There are reportedly over 40 Israelis deaths and several Israeli officers and civilians have been taken as hostages.

One video on X that has yet to be verified shows an Israeli woman being bound naked by Hamas.’

Here’s the video below, WARNING IT’S GRAPHIC and only being shown to show the severity of the assault against Israel.

Just so we understand what we’re up against. Just so we all understand who the left is continually boosting at the expense of our #1 ally abroad. One day this savagery will come here because not only are we allowing it but we are encouraging it &funding it pic.twitter.com/0wU7jTQ38e

— Donald Trump Jr. (@DonaldJTrumpJr) October 7, 2023

Per First Post:

After Israel declared a ‘state of war’ following a rocket attack by Hamas terrorists from Gaza, disturbing videos of Israeli women soldiers being tortured by Palestinians are going viral on social media

One of the videos shows Palestinians parading the deceased body of allegedly a woman soldier of Israel and shouting religious slogans.

In another video, the hands of an Israeli woman soldier were tied and



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