Ex-Dem Rep Comes Clean: “The political prosecution of Trump is an obvious attempt by Biden to drain Trump’s attention and resources”

Former Democrat House Representative and presidential candidate Tulsi Gabbard slammed her former party and called what the Dems are trying to do to former President Donald Trump.

She said: “The political prosecution of Trump is an obvious attempt by Biden/Dem elite to drain Trump’s attention and resources.

“Their actions expose their utter contempt for democracy and the rule of law—and makes laughable all of their verbiage about ‘protecting democracies around the world.

“Anyone who’s looking at what’s happening with clear eyes and an open mind can recognize how overtly they’re trying to keep President Trump off of the campaign trail.

“To keep him away from being able to make his case to voters in this country why they should elect him as president and commander in chief once again.

“They’re afraid that he actually could win. 

“Which is why they’re committing such an egregious abuse of power that cuts so much deeper than just going after President Trump.

“Because what they’re really doing is setting the precedent that puts the United States of America not on a high platform of trying to be an example of democracy to the world.

“But of reducing our great country to none



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