Further damaging information has emerged that sheds light on Democrat vice presidential nominee Tim Walz’s military background.
Former commander retired Army Command Sergeant Major Doug Julin has come forward to confirm that Walz, Minnesota’s Democrat governor, knew about an upcoming deployment to Iraq months in advance of retiring.
Walz has been in the national spotlight since being selected as Vice President Kamala Harris’s running mate in November.
The information that has come out about Walz so far has been damning.
Walz has previously claimed to carry weapons in combat and also boasted of retiring at the highest rank of Command Master Sergeant.
However, both claims were false and constitute stolen valor which is a misdemeanor under the Stolen Valor Act of 2005.
Walz, who was the command sergeant major of his battalion at the time, directly assured Julin that he would go with the unit to Iraq.
This was in the Fall of 2004, which contradicts Walz’s claims that he retired before he knew about the deployment to Iraq.
Walz’s unit would go to deploy to Iraq without him while he began an illustrious career in politics largely due to his record that he heavily embellished.