Dozens Killed In Deadly Terror Attack – EVOL

ISIS has taken credit for an assault at a well-known concert venue complex close to Moscow on Friday, resulting in a minimum of 60 fatalities and 145 individuals being admitted to the hospital after attackers invaded the venue with firearms and incendiary devices, as per CNN. Footage from the scene of the incident, the Crocus City Hall concert venue, displays the extensive complex, which houses both the music hall and a shopping center, engulfed in flames with smoke rising into the sky.

State-controlled RIA Novosti stated that the armed perpetrators “initiated gunfire with automatic weapons” and “hurled a grenade or an incendiary bomb, leading to a fire.” They subsequently “reportedly escaped in a white Renault vehicle,” the news agency disclosed. State media outlet Russia 24 disclosed that the roof of the venue has partially collapsed.

📢At least 3 gunmen in military camoflague armed with assault rifles have opened fire in a north west #Moscow shopping centre named #CrocusCityHall. At least 20 killed.

This Is the terrorist attack which the US Government warned about?#IStandwithRussia #Russia #TerrorAttack

— THE SQUADRON (@THE_SQUADR0N) March 22, 2024

BREAKING: There’s an ongoing terrorist attack at a concert hall in



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