Donald Trump Gives His Shortlist of VP Candidates — And There’s a Few Surprises – EVOL

Former President Donald Trump, at a Fox News townhall event hosted by Laura Ingraham, revealed his top Vice Presidential candidates that he might invite to join him as the eventual nominee on the Republican ticket.

“The audience has been asked who they think would be a good choice, and various names came up,” Laura Ingraham said. “One of them was of course, Vivek Ramaswami. He’s made a big splash. Ron DeSantis, who’s making an appearance today in South Carolina. We just found out, obviously, Tim Scott. Byron Donalds. And a big presence here for Tulsi Gabbard. Very interesting. And Kristi Noem as well, I should say. Are they all on your shortlist?”

“They are,” Trump said.

“And when can we expect that you will announce your choice?” she added.

“The one thing that always surprises me is that the VP choice has absolutely no impact,” he continued. “It’s whoever the president is. It just seems. I remember when Sarah Palin was actually picked and she did have a big up, and then they just went after her at a level that nobody’s seen. The Republicans themselves went after, what they did…”

“But you’ll be a one-term president because you’ve



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