Democrats Would Choose Michelle Obama over Biden in 2024 Primary, Poll Shows

Democrat voters say they would choose former First Lady Michelle Obama over President Joe Biden in a hypothetical 2024 primary matchup, a new poll has revealed.

According to the results of the survey, conducted in conjunction with Noble Predictive Insights and published by The Center Square, Obama would be the clear winner, beating Biden by a wide margin.

In a hypothetical matchup, the poll found that 48 percent of Democrats would pick Michelle Obama.

Just 36 percent said they would prefer to stick with Biden.

The remaining 16 percent said they were undecided.

Michelle Obama enjoys strong support from women, childless voters, and voters under the age of 55, according to the poll.

“Biden is pretty safe in the Democratic primary,” Noble Predictive Insights CEO Mike Noble told Center Square.

“However, he’d better make sure Michelle Obama is on his Christmas card list.”

Among the current crop of contenders, Biden is the clearcut frontrunner to win his party’s primary.

The poll shows 68 percent of Democrats would pick Biden over Robert F. Kennedy Jr. (16 percent), with the remaining 16 undecided.

Similarly, voters also would overwhelmingly choose Biden (67 percent) over writer Marianne Williamson (9 percent), according to the poll.


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