Democrats Panic over Growing Fears Lawfare Cases Will Fail to Stop Trump – EVOL

Fears are reportedly growing among the Democrats that their abuse of the justice system to target President Donald Trump is failing.

Democrats have been using lawfare tactics as part of a desperate effort to stop Trump’s re-election bid.

However,  as Trump’s so-called “hush money” trial in New York commences, fears of a mistrial are causing panic among Democrats.

Jury selection is now complete in Trump’s hush money trial with twelve jurors and six alternates having been selected.

The trial’s opening statements are set to begin Monday which will finally launch the most anticipated trial in modern history.

Prosecutors are counting on a jury comprised of people from left-leaning Manhattan to give them an edge.

However, there are growing fears that one juror could be the difference maker that would result in a mistrial.

Politico cited the case of Timothy Shea, who was charged with fraud alongside former Trump advisor Steve Bannon.

In that trial, which was also held in Manhattan, one juror called the case a “government witch hunt” leading to a mistrial.

All Trump needs is for one juror to force a mistrial and that will lead to a massive delay.

Such a delay would potentially push out



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