Democrat Cori Bush Funnels Another $17,500 in Campaign Cash to Husband, Docs Show – EVOL

Radical Democrat Rep. Cori Bush (D-MO) has funneled another big chunk of campaign cash to her husband, bringing the total to $120,000 so far, new filings have revealed.

Bush paid her husband an additional $17,500 from her committee in recent months.

The payments are for private security for the congresswoman, who leads the “defund the police” movement and campaigns for fewer police officers to protect the public.

The Democrat “Squad” member’s new filings, submitted to the Federal Election Commission late Wednesday night, show that her campaign made seven additional payments for $2,500 each to her husband, Cortney Merritts.

The payments were made between October 1 and December 31.

The new payments maintained the steady flow of checks to her husband over the past two years.

After it emerged that Bush and Merritts secretly married in February 2023, her office admitted they had been together since before she entered office in 2021.

Merritts initially gathered money for security services starting in January 2022.

However, Bush’s committee switched their description to “wage expenses” in April 2023 as they continued to bring headaches to the campaign.

The latest payments have emerged as the Justice Department launched a criminal investigation into Bush earlier this



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