Democrat Admits on Live TV She Voted Against Trump in Republican South Carolina Primary – EVOL

If you’re wondering if Republican voters who voted for Nikki Haley in the South Carolina primary are going to support Donald Trump in the general election, then worry no more.

Nikki Haley got virtually no Republican support in the South Carolina primary, but got the majority of her votes from self-described Independents, moderates, and Democrats.

Kelli Poindexter, a Democrat voter, told Forsige Breaking News that she voted in the Republican primary with the aim of cancelling out a Trump voter.

“I voted for Nikki Haing simply to maybe cancel out one of the Donald Trump votes, and that is because this is heavy Donald Trump support in our state,” Poindexter said. “I don’t understand it.”

Other voters contacted by Forsige Breaking News about their selections had a much different tune.

“Well, I voted for Trump because I trust him more than I do Haley,” an unidentified voter said.

“I voted for Donald Trump,” said Republican voter Mary Ring. “I think he’s the only one that’s capable of being in the White House.”

South Carolina has an open primary system.

That means Democratic Party voters (and Independent voters) can cross party lines and vote against Donald Trump in the Republican primaries.



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