DELUSIONAL: Mike Pence BLAMES Trump For Hamas Attacking Israel

Former Vice President Mike Pence blamed Trump for the recent Hamas attacks against Israel.

While campaigning in Iowa, Pence claimed Trump’s promotion of isolationism is to blame for Hamas’ assault against Israel.

Pence stated “voices of appeasement like Donald Trump, Vivek Ramaswamy and Ron DeSantis that I believe have run contrary to the tradition in our party that America is the leader of the free world.”

He went on to say “This is also what happens when you have leaders in the Republican Party signaling retreat on the world stage.”

Pence slams Trump, GOP ‘voices of appeasement’ as Israel comes under attack via @politico

— John Behnken (@LutherEnjoyer) October 7, 2023

Here’s what Politico reported:

Former Vice President Mike Pence tore into Donald Trump and pointed to isolationism in the Republican Party as complicit in the sweeping Hamas attack on Israel, decrying American “retreat on the world stage.”

In a scathing rebuke, Pence faulted “voices of appeasement like Donald Trump, Vivek Ramaswamy and Ron DeSantis that I believe have run contrary to the tradition in our party that America is the leader of the free world.”

Pence’s comments in Iowa represented the first ripple in the Republican primary



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