Courtroom Holding Trump’s Trial in ‘Disgusting’ Condition: Perfect ‘Representation of Our Legal System’

That the soul of America is under attack is evident from the decay of her body.

Nothing could symbolize this more effectively than the New York courthouse where the civil financial fraud trial of former President Donald Trump is unfolding.

“The courthouse I was in today, it was disgusting,” Trump’s son Eric said in a Wednesday interview with Newsmax. “It smells. You had cables running across all the walls. It’s a disgrace. … That’s a representation of our legal system.”

Most Americans agree that the legal system stinks. According to a 2022 Trafalgar poll, almost 80 percent believe there is a two-tiered system of justice in America. If something looks (and smells) like it’s dying, it probably is.

“You see the same thing at airports,” Eric Trump continued. “How often do you fly through an airport and you’ve got [ceiling tiles] that are falling down, right?”

It’s not just airports.

“We’re running a $2 trillion deficit and our bridges are falling down and our roads suck and our trains are antiquated,” he said. “You look at China where they’re building these bullet trains that go 300 miles an hour. We’re falling behind the rest of the world.”



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