Congress expands probe into Biden retaliation against whistleblowers | WND – EVOL

Negative evaluation letters, suspended security clearances, these are just some of the tools Joe Biden appears to be using against those who reveal his administration’s activities, the whistleblowers.

The latest case, according to a report from Just the News, is an impeachment witness who endured retaliation from the Bureau of Prisons.

It’s creating concern in Congress “about a wider pattern of perceived intimidation of whistleblowers and congressional witnesses by President Joe Biden’s administration,” the report explains.

There also are four FBI agents suspended for whistleblower activities, a possible government investigation of those who revealed IRS actions to block their investigation of Hunter Biden, and more.

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It now is the House Judiciary Committee, under chairman Jim Jordan, that is expanding its investigation into claims Biden’s Department of Justice is targeting an impeachment investigation witnesses with “retribution.”

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