CNN Sounds the Alarm on Biden’s Sinking Job Ratings – Majority of Democrats Want Alternative to Joe Biden in 2024

The Democrat-Media complex is getting ready to throw Joe Biden in the garbage can.

CNN started its Thursday mid-morning show with some bad news for Joe Biden: The majority of Democrat voters wish they had an alternative to Joe Biden, according to a new CNN poll.

CNN reported:

A broad 67% majority of Democratic and Democratic-leaning voters now say it’s very or extremely likely that Biden will again be the party’s presidential nominee, up from 55% who felt that way in May. But 67% also say the party should nominate someone other than Biden – up from 54% in March, though still below the high of 75% who said they were seeking an alternative last summer.

That remains largely a show of discontent with Biden rather than support for any particular rival, with an 82% majority of those who’d prefer to see someone different saying that they don’t have any specific alternative in mind. Just 1%, respectively, name either of his two most prominent declared challengers, Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. or Marianne Williamson.

Much of the hesitation revolves around Biden’s vitality rather than his handling of the job. While strong majorities of Democratic and Democratic-leaning voters continue to say


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