CNN Just Hit Rock Bottom With Network’s Lowest Ratings EVER

In a turn of events for the once-dominant news network, CNN has recorded its lowest ratings ever, marking a significant decline in its viewership. The decline is particularly pronounced in the advertiser-coveted 25-54 age demographic.

The demographic is crucial for networks as it determines advertising rates and revenue. The sharp drop in ratings for CNN indicates a potential loss in advertising revenue and could have implications for the network’s financial health.

According to a recent Nielsen report, the network’s ratings have plummeted to the lowest levels in its recorded history. The network has faced criticism in recent years for its coverage of certain news events and its left-leaning bias.

The New York Post wrote:

CNN — which launched in 1980 and bills itself as “the most trusted name in news” — totaled just 55,000 viewers for its weekend slate of shows that include Sunday political programs “State of the Union with Jake Tapper and Dana Bash,” and “Fareed Zakaria GPS.”

The network’s Sunday primetime lineup, which featured “The Whole Story with Anderson Cooper” and “Stanley Tucci: Searching for Italy,” drew 43,000 in the demo.

The ratings are the network’s worst since 1991 — the earliest TV data is readily available.


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