CNN Host Baffled as Michigan Poll Shows Trump Ahead by 20 Points on Key Issue: ‘World Is Upside Down’ – EVOL

CNN host Dana Bash was baffled after learning that President Donald Trump is connecting with voters on key issues.

Bash marveled at how Trump is leading against Democrat President Joe Biden on most key issues in Michigan, most notably on the Israel-Gaza war.

During a segment on CNN, Bash about polling conducted in the battleground states of Michigan and Pennsylvania.

It shows Trump leading Biden in the Great Lakes State and the presumptive candidates tied in the Keystone State.

She said that if Trump wins both, Biden cannot afford to lose any other swing states, such as “Nevada, Arizona, Georgia, Wisconsin, or Nebraska’s second congressional district, or he will not win the White House.”

The news anchor went on to express shock that “abortion and democracy” are “the only two issues” where Biden has an advantage in both states.

Trump is leading Biden on several major issues, including the economy, immigration, and Israel/Gaza.

While reviewing the polling numbers, Bash appeared stunned, saying:

“Then you look at other issues: U.S and world affairs, economy, immigration, Israel/Gaza, Trump has an advantage and it’s actually- if you look at the Israel-Gaza question, the fact that Trump has a 20-point advantage in Michigan.



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