Burger King, HelloFresh & Other Advertisers Drop Rumble Over Russell Brand

Big Tech’s targeting of Russell Brand is now spilling over into advertisers.

Burger King, Asos, The Barbican theater, and HelloFresh have all withdrawn their advertisements from the streaming platform Rumble, which competes with YouTube. Brand’s demonetization on YouTube occurred just last week.

This demonetization reportedly traces back to The News Movement, a TikTok channel, which reached out to advertisers to inform them that their content was being displayed alongside Brand’s videos and inquiring whether they intended to withdraw their support.

The Post Millennial’s Libby Emmons reported on the burgeoning advertiser boycott.

The first many advertisers heard that their ads appearing on Rumble was some kind of social justice problem was when TikTok channel The News Movement contacted them and told them. Then the companies gave statements and pulled their ads. pic.twitter.com/IQrgS3zpe8

— Libby Emmons (@libbyemmons) September 23, 2023

The News Movement is a media consultancy led by a number of legacy media veterans, including from the Wall Street Journal, Dow Jones, and News Corp.

The media consultancy postures itself as possessing data insights and analysis on Gen Z culture.

“At Davos 2023 we revealed a year-long study into Gen Z, which we conducted in partnership with the Oliver



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